
Powerful Authentication system

Features and benefits

Registration & Login

Https / SSL Secured

Passwords Script encryption

Customisable fields, multiple events

Tick boxes, opt-in

2FA (2 Factor Authentication )

Customisable passwords rules

Custom messages & communication to registered participants (multi-options registration form)

API & reversed API’s (using tokens) with embeded secret codes for optimal Security and Hyperfair auto-login


Hyperverse International is Today’s Metaverse

Ready to get your own 1st Class Virtual Destination?

Strengthening your Company & Brands visibility, communication and networking.
Engaging experiences with a human touch visitors like.
Multiple combinations of 3D objects & solutions that meet your virtual universe expectations.

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Want to know more ?

Meet with Norman Schor : Phone : +32 477 18 72 41 - eMail : norman@hyperverseint.com